
China 'unfairly' #1 in paper trade

10 August 2010

Unfair trading practices by China have resulted in it becoming the world’s largest producer of paper and products says the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a nonprofit American think tank. These practices contribute to the over-valuation of the currencies of many other countries, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil and the United States and lower paper prices on world markets.

Govt funds hill country erosion control

11 August 2010

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has allocated $7.62 million to Horizons Regional Council and Gisborne District Council for their hill country erosion control initiatives.

REDD market needs regulatory certainty

12 August 2010

A forestry specialist says the regulations around reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) must be more certain if the market is to move forward.

Australians get to farm carbon

17 August 2010

Farmers who help reduce and store pollution will receive credits that can be sold in Australia and overseas under a new Carbon Farming Initiative to be set up by the Australian Labor Government.

Testing time for new woodland carbon assurance scheme

23 Aug 2010

The British Forestry Commission is about to test a new quality assurance scheme for tree planting projects designed to sequester carbon.

Bioinoculant researcher wins award

26 Aug 2010

Dr Robert Hill, from the Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University has been awarded a 2010 Bayer Innovator Award for his work on Trichoderma bioinoculants for the forestry industry. Biologically-based inoculants reduce chemical use and save the forestry industry millions of dollars a year.

Green gold

30 Aug 2010

After years in the doldrums, forestry is booming. Could this be the start of a new golden age, or is the next bust already on the way? Nick Smith reports.

Proposed environmental standard to bring consistency to forestry rules

3 September 2010

A proposed National Environmental Standard to provide consistency to how district and regional councils manage plantation forestry has been released today by Minister for the Environment Nick Smith.

Simpler building code proposed

6 September 2010

Consultation on proposed amendments to the Building Code and related documents was announced today by Building & Construction Minister Maurice Williamson.