
Asian gypsy moth a major threat to NZ forests

1 Apr 2003

Forest owners are extremely concerned about the discovery of an Asian gypsy moth in Hamilton last week.

Driver shortage could affect regional growth

21 Apr 2003

The growing road transport driver shortage could significantly affect growth prospects in regions where major new forest harvesting operations are coming on-stream, the New Zealand Forest Owners' Association (NZFOA) says.

RMA Bill could see investors looking elsewhere

28 Apr 2003

The forest industry believes investment in the further processing of logs in New Zealand is likely to be discouraged if the Resource Management Amendment Bill is passed in its present form.

Logs without roads

2 May 2003

New Zealand's rapidly expanding log harvest could be stalled by an inadequate roading system, according to the forest industry.

Forestry industry welcomes Government rail decision

6 Jun 2003

The forestry industry has expressed pleasure at the government's decision to buy the rail network.

Skeletoniser decision unfortunate

11 Jun 2003

The decision by MAF to abandon any attempts to eradicate the gum leaf skeletoniser has been described by the Forest Owners Association as unfortunate.

Forest owners support container inspection

25 Aug 2003

The decision by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to inspect all sea containers arriving in New Zealand has been praised by the NZ Forest Owners Association.

Power line company shirking its responsibilities

31 Aug 2003

Power line companies, not land owners, are legally responsible for maintaining electricity routes, according to Federated Farmers and the NZ Forest Owners Association.

Government report highlights forestry potential

8 Sep 2003

New Zealand's traditional export industries will achieve their growth potential, but only if the government adopts the right policies, say forest owners.

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