
Fire Insurance Scheme


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Aon, in partnership with Insurance Facilitators, are pleased to continue offering forest solutions for FOA members.
Members are able to purchase insurance for a range of exposures and perils in respect of standing timber and in particular fire and wind cover.
Forest owners need to consider the financial impact of the loss of trees and the cost associated with the removal of debris as well as their obligations to replant.
To obtain a quote, or for more information please refer to our website Aon NZ - Forestry Insurance  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Insurance Facilitators
Insurance Facilitators (an underwriting agency) was established over 10 years ago and is the underwriting agent for HDI Global Specialty SE – New Zealand (HDI) to enter into contracts of insurance and issue insurance documentation on its behalf.

HDI has a Standard & Poor's financial strength rating of 'A+' (Strong).

About Aon
As leaders in the forestry sector, Aon understand the forestry industry is complex, the challenges faced and specific areas of risk.

We tailor innovative solutions across a range of forestry businesses of all sizes, right across New Zealand and have specialists who can advise you on the best solution for your needs.

Traditional forestry insurance can often only cover fire damage.  Aon specialise in both Standing Timber and Carbon solutions, and can offer our clients a much broader range of cover, including:

  • Earthquake
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Impact
  • Landslip, as a direct consequence of an earthquake or volcanic eruption
  • Lightning
  • Malicious acts
  • Volcanic eruption
  • Carbon
  • Claims preparation
  • Firefighting charges
  • Loss of harvested timber
  • Re-establishing costs
  • Removal of debris
  • Windstorm