

FOA Strategies

Forestry Roadmap to 2050) (PDF download 2MB) March 2019

Forest Growers Science and Innovation Strategy to 2050 (PDF download 5.84MB) November 2019


Position Papers

Position paper - Genetically Modified Organisms July 2019


Woodco Strategies

2011 Forest Industry Study (June 2011)

Building a Stronger Future for Wood - This is a report prepared for the Woodco Board by Dave Hilliard, Tom Clark, Stuart Anderson and Paul Lane.

 Forest and Wood Products Industry Strategic Plan 2006 - 2021 (created 2009 and modified)

This plan was prepared for Woodco by FOA, NZFFA, WPA, PMA, FICA

Woodco Research Science & Technology Group Statement on Research & Development for the Forest Industry (July 2010)

Prepared to provide pan-industry strategic direction on RS & T; to outline the key elements that the forest industry expects to see in any Statements of Core Purpose (SCP) and Statements of Core Intent for CRI’s delivering research to the forest sector and to be used as the basis of input to Government, including MoRST and FRST, to influence the development of SCP’s and SCI’s for relevant CRIs.


Superceded Research Strategies

Forest Biosecurity Research Strategy (January 2011) SUPERCEDED by November 2019 document

The Forest Biosecurity Research Strategy is for FOA members in the first instance and provides guidance on key biosecurity issues. The strategy also provides a unified voice for the industry to communicate research priorities to funding agencies and research providers in order to have greater influence on R&D investment and capability retention and development in New Zealand.

 New Zealand Forestry Science and Innovation Plan (November 2015) SUPERCEDED by November 2019 document

This Innovation Plan concerns the forest growing sector and its focus on excelling in the management of plantation forests to deliver logs and other woody biomass to the downstream processing sectors of the forest industry
