
Simpler building code proposed

6 September 2010

Consultation on proposed amendments to the Building Code and related documents was announced today by Building & Construction Minister Maurice Williamson.

The proposed amendments deal with timber treatment, fire protection and warning systems, noise protection, medium-density housing and signs. "Without compromising quality or safety, the overall aim is to simplify and clarify regulations. We want to maintain or improve the current level of protection and safety while making it easier to design good quality medium-density housing," the minister said.

He urged the building and construction sector and consumer advocacy groups to make submissions on the proposals. The consultation period starts today. Submissions on timber treatment proposals close 29 October 2010. Submissions on other proposals close 26 November 2010.

"As with the recent Building Act Review input from all interested parties is invaluable in helping get the system right."

Mr Williamson said the consultation documents are available on the Department of Building and Housing website.