
Notification of 2017 Levy Rate

1 December 2016

The Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT) have approved a levy of 27 cents per cubic metre for the 2017 calendar year.

Upgrade of Free Trade Arrangement with China offer boost for New Zealand timber industry

23 November 2016

News of agreement to upgrade New Zealand’s free trade arrangement with China should open trade doors in China for more timber exports and more employment in New Zealand, according to the chair of the New Zealand Wood Council, Brian Stanley.

Forest industry fears emerging forest disease

18 November 2016

A disease which is devastating trees in the Western United States and Europe is a major threat to New Zealand plantations and ornamental trees, should it ever arrive here.

More trees part of the answer to agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions

19 October 2016

The Forest Owners Association is backing the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s call for more plantation forests to be planted in New Zealand to offset greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.

Forest innovators take to the skies (and the soil)

13 October 2016

Scientists are scanning our pine forests from the sky to learn more about tree growth and are peering under the roots to find beneficial microbes. Now they have been rewarded for their efforts by appreciative forest owners.

Winners of the 2016 Forest Science Awards

12 October 2016

The winners of the Forest Owners Association 2016 Science Awards were announced in Napier earlier this month at the Forest Growers Research Conference.

Forest industry wants to see how government can deliver on Biosecurity 2025 promise

26 July 2016

The Forest Owners Association believes the government is aiming in the right direction with its just announced biosecurity ambitions, but wants to see real plans to deliver on this intention.

Forest owners prepared to play their part in environment protection

29 June 2016

The Forest Owners Association says there are forest based solutions to some of the issues raised in the report released today by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Jan Wright.

Forest portal opens ... but industry concerns remain

17 June 2016

If you have a question about the environmental and social performance of plantation forestry in New Zealand, it is very likely you will find an informed answer on a new website developed by Scion.

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