
Log truckers' plea – be patient and give us space

21 December 2010

Log truckers are asking other road users to be patient and to give them space this summer.

How to make eco-Santa merry

15 December 2010

Families planning an eco-friendly Christmas should opt for real Christmas trees, draped with LED lights, say the country's Christmas tree growers.

Greens undermine NZ negotiators in Cancun

10 December 2010

The Green Party and a NZ Youth Delegation have been criticised by the Forest Owners Association for undermining New Zealand’s negotiating position at the United Nations climate change talks in Cancun, Mexico.

Heavy truck amendment will improve productivity in the forestry industry

1 Apr 2010

The Wood Council of NZ says all New Zealanders will benefit from the decision to allow heavier loads on a limited number of roads and congratulates the Minister of Transport for taking action to implement the first change in 20 years.

Dope-seed importers should be potted

19 Apr 2010

Forest owners are deeply concerned to hear that Customs doesn't bother to prosecute many people who illegally import cannabis seeds.

Govt commended for ETS stand

28 Apr 2010

For more than two years forest owners have been bound by the emission trading scheme. Although this has caused difficulties for many of them, they say unwinding the scheme now would be hugely complex and costly. It would also undoubtedly reduce interest in new forest planting.

Perfect storm brewing for forestry

1 Jun 2010

A perfect storm may be brewing for the forest sector says Forest Owners chief executive David Rhodes. On his return this week from a world forest and wood products conference in Tokyo he said the balance of international supply and demand appeared to be changing in favour of the owners of forest plantations.

Farming for carbon a viable option

09 Jun 2010

Carbon forestry is a viable option for land owners looking for new income streams, say forest owners.

Farm leader angers 'foreign-owned' foresters

30 Jul 2010

Federated Farmers have drawn the ire of foresters with a claim that "foreign-owned" forestry companies could destroy New Zealand’s rural economy by turning farmland into carbon forests.

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