
Australia has increased chip exports of both Eucalyptus and pine in 2010

5 Jul 2010

Export of wood chips from Australia is on the rebound, reports the Wood Resource  Quarterly. 


MAF confirms China is driving log boom

2 Jul 2010

Demand for logs from China is fuelling a forestry export boom, despite an otherwise subdued market, statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry show.

RUC changes will reduce compliance, transport costs

07 Jul 2010

Cabinet has approved changes to the road user charges (RUC) system which are designed to simplify and modernise a key part of New Zealand's transport operation.

Furore in Tasmania drives fumigation offshore

11 Jul 2010

Plans to treat a log shipment with 1.5 tonnes of methyl bromide at Burnie Port in Tasmania have been abandoned following a public outcry. The fumigation has now taken place at sea

Labour criticises gov't prune of AGS

13 Jul 2010

Budget documents show that the Government will downscale the Afforestation Grant Scheme by $2m per year over the next three years before eventually ceasing it, says Labour Forestry spokesperson Stuart Nash.

Canadians threaten NZ log goldmine

22 Jul 2010

New Zealand’s pine plantations continue to produce a river of gold in China for their mainly foreign owners, with record earnings so far this year. But the competition just got a whole lot tougher.

FITEC award finalists named

27 Jul 2010

Twenty-six outstanding Kiwi individuals and companies are in line for the wood industry’s top accolades after being named as finalists in the National Training Awards run by FITEC, the forest and wood industry training organisation.


New Wood Processors CEO

28 Jul 2010

Dr Jon Tanner has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Wood Processors Association of New Zealand (WPA).

Forest Products Association of Canada Supports Government’s Transformative Investment Program

02 Aug 2010

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) today commended the Canadian government on the Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT), a program dedicated to the integration of transformative investment technology in traditional mills – pulp and paper, newsprint, wood panels, and others – across the country.