
Govt looks to boost freight productivity

29 June 2009

Transport Minister Steven Joyce says a proposal to allow road transport operators to carry heavier loads, by permit, on specified routes would create a “win – win” situation for the economy and the travelling public.

Central North Island land transferred to iwi

03 July 2009

A ceremony in Turangi tomorrow marking the transfer of approximately $450 million in land and cash to eight Central North island Iwi completes of the largest single settlement of historical grievances by the Crown, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson said.

Black liquor subsidy props US pulp output

08 July 2009

A substantial tax credit for black liquor, a by-product when producing wood pulp, has been a timely injection to the US pulp and paper industry and has changed how many pulpmills have been running their plants the past six months.

Kyoto forest planting will depend on more than carbon price

09 July 2009

There will be big changes in the New Zealand landscape if the government follows the logical course and uses tree planting to help reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Indonesia devises REDD dosh divvy-up

13 July 2009

Indonesia's forestry ministry has released what are believed to be the world's first set of revenue sharing rules for income derived from a UN-backed scheme called reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation, or REDD. The profit-sharing rules will help clear up important questions arising from Indonesia's release in May of the world's first set of formal regulations governing who could carry out a REDD project and in which type of forest.

House timber a carbon catcher

19 July 2009

Australians' homes can help fight the threat of climate change because the timber in their houses stores lots of carbon, research shows.

New forest plantings will have big impact on NZ's Kyoto bills

26 July 2009

New reports released today on the economic and forestry aspects of climate change policy will help inform Government decisions on New Zealand’s 2020 emissions target and policy on emissions trading, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith says.

Cloud hangs over Gisborne mill

28 July 2009

WPI International (WPI) Managing Director David Anderson today told the 65 staff at the Prime Sawmill in Gisborne that the company believed it was no longer possible to keep the mill running in the face of a downturn in international prices and a continued high New Zealand dollar.

Aussies fund forest climate research

27 July 2009

The Australian Government has committed $A5 million to the Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund, a new grants programme to address major knowledge gaps about the impact of climate change on forestry and forest industries in Australia. The fund will assist the industry to better understand the implications of climate change and build industry capacity to adapt to predicted scenarios and capitalise on emerging mitigation opportunities.