
House timber a carbon catcher

19 July 2009

Australians' homes can help fight the threat of climate change because the timber in their houses stores lots of carbon, research shows.

Almost 100 million tonnes of carbon is stored in timber in Australian houses, with about 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent added each year as new houses are built, according to the research reported by Philip Hopkins in WA Today.

The annual average of 2.05 million tonnes amounts to 0.4 per cent of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2006, according to the study, which was conducted by researchers at Melbourne University's Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries, for Forest & Wood Products Australia.

The annual extra carbon stocks have declined over the past 20 years as more bricks, concrete, metal and plastics have been used to build houses. But if more wood was used, annual carbon storage in houses could rise from 1.6 million tonnes in 2008 to 4 million tonnes in 2050.

Given that trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the researchers said scientific evidence indicated that carbon in wood was stored in products for a period, then partially emitted as products decayed or were disposed of.

Given the longevity of housing, this sector had the greatest potential for long-term storage of carbon in harvested wood products. "If the forest is sustainably managed and the carbon stock in the forest area is maintained, then the carbon removed from the forest in products or released during harvesting is replaced through new forest growth," the researchers said.

The Garnaut review and the Federal Government's emissions trading White Paper criticised the Kyoto Protocol's non-recognition of carbon in wood products. The Government intends to argue for the inclusion of carbon in wood products at the Copenhagen climate talks later this year.

Based on census figures, Australian houses stored 19 million tonnes of carbon in 1911, rising to 87 million tonnes in 2006. The FWPA study, plus similar research at the Department of Climate Change, estimate that carbon stocks will reach almost 100 million tonnes by 2011.

Historically, most wood used in houses was sourced from Australian native forest or imported timber, but 80 per cent now comes from domestic softwood plantations.

The FWPA study found that the average life of a house was 61 years, but wood product failure or decay were not the main reasons for demolition; these were site redevelopment (58 per cent) or the building no longer suiting (28 per cent).

Source: Fairfax Digital