
Folder Forest Biosecurity

General forest biosecurity documents.

For Forest Biosecurity Workshop reports go to FOA conferences and workshops section.


Folder Forest Conditioning Monitoring Project

Forest industry and Sustainable Farming Fund money has been invested over a threeyear period (ending June 2011) to develop a Forest Condition Monitoring system. The project evaluated the application of remote sensing technology, specifically LiDAR, and determined that at present the technology is not developed to the point where it can adequately replace visual assessment. However, continued effort is underway (outside the original project funding) to further develop the application of remote sensing technology and put the Forest Condition Monitoring system into operation.

Folder Research Papers

Forest biosecurity research covers two major areas, healthy forests and safe wood products trade. 

Healthy Forests Research

Healthy commercial plantation forests will not only lead to greater profitability in the long term, but will enhance investor confidence in the short term. Healthy indigenous and urban forests will enhance non-economic as well as economic values including tourism and quality of life. Research in this area will also potentially reduce the chance of organisms moving from indigenous forestry to commercial plantation problem. Research to achieve this goal may also reduce trade barriers if pests and diseases are eradicated when possible and controlled and distribution understood when not possible. Research will also reduce crop impacts and management input costs by developing smarter ways of managing health problems.

Safe Wood Products Trade Research

Pests and diseases threaten safe and profitable wood products trade because of restrictions that may be imposed by importing countries if New Zealand hosts pests and diseases that are considered a threat to their forests. This goal focuses research on ensuring that we understand the risks to trade and take measures to minimise the risk.


pdf Pitch Canker Readiness Manual

Threat Specific Readiness Manual for Fusarium circinatum, the Cause of Pitch Canker - produced by MPI.

pdf Forest Biosecurity Review - Phase 1 Report - Operational Biosecurity

Report for Phase I completed in December 2018.  Author Karyn Froud, PhD.

pdf Forest Biosecurity Review - Phase II Report - Strategic Biosecurity

Report for Phase II completed in August 2019.  Author Andrew Harrison.

pdf Biosecurity (Response - Plantation Forestry Levy) Order

Order in Council 30 September 2019.

pdf Import Health Standards Report - December 2018 (Scion)

A report from Scion (I. A. Hood) - How biosecure are we? Case studies with unwanted forestry pathogens and pests.

pdf Eucalyptus Biosecurity Review 2019

A Scion review of the risks associated with a biosecurity incursion that could affect commercial plantation eucalyptus.

pdf Cypress Biosecurity Review Report 2019

A Scion review of the risks associated with a biosecurity incursion that could affect commercial plantation cypresss.

pdf Emerging Risks Stakeholder Report June to Sept 2016

The MPI Emerging Risks System – Biosecurity (ERS) is designed to proactively identify and manage potential and emerging risks to New Zealand’s biosecurity.

The ERS focusses on plant and animal hazards and other invasive species in the terrestrial and aquatic environments. The current priorities of the ERS are significant changes to the distribution, hosts or virulence of exotic organisms of biosecurity concerns to New Zealand.


pdf Forest Hygiene Policy for International Visitors and Staff Returning from Overseas - 2018

With increasing awareness of biosecurity risks to New Zealand’s forests, it is essential that the industry increases its vigilance against introductions of new pests and diseases and leads by example. One of the key risk pathways is via material brought into the country, usually inadvertently, by either international visitors or staff returning from overseas. In response to this, the FOA, in conjunction with Scion, has developed the attached policy. Individual organizations are encouraged to adopt and implement this policy to reduce the risk to the nation’s forests.

pdf What has changed with the Forest Biosecurity System?

A PowerPoint presentation summarising the differences between the Forest Health Surveillance system and the Forest Biosecurity System.

pdf Government Industry Agreement - Certificate of signing - 5 November 2015

FOA chief executive David Rhodes and primary industries minister Nathan Guy today (5 November 2015) signed what is known as a Government-Industry Agreement at Parliament. The agreement defines where responsibilities and costs will fall in the event of an outbreak of a serious forest pest or disease.It provides for joint decision making. Also the funding formula takes into account the industry's big investment in forest health surveillance and the many social benefits of forestry and trees."

A copy of the MPI-FOA GIA is on the GIA website - FOA signing at p.29

pdf Forest Health Surveillance Scheme Background - June 2001

The Forest Health Surveillance Scheme was for many years provided by the Ministry of Forestry (MOF) and more latterly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). As part of the Government's programme to divest itself of MAF's non core commercial activities, the Forest Surveillance Scheme was sold in 1999 to Forest Research. The Forest Owners' Association, which each year establishes the terms and conditions of the surveillance scheme, decided to make the service contestable from 2000/2001 onwards

pdf Forest Health Surveillance Scheme 2005 and 2006

Advice that the Forest Health Surveillance Scheme 2005 and 2006 has been awarded to Target Pest

pdf Varroa Controls - Situation Update

MAF have run movement controls on material likely to contain varroa in the past. MAF are now out of the movement control business. Responsibility and powers of control have now passed to a newly formed agency called the Varroa Agency Incorporated

pdf Forest Biosecurity Research Council Objectives - January 2006

For further information, visit Forest Biosecurity Research Council. This website also provides reports on Annual Forest Health Workshops as well as FBRC Annual Reports.

pdf FBRC Summary of Research Findings 2004/2005

This report sumarises the FBRC research activities from 2004-05 year, with additional funding support from the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST). These projects represent combined efforts of New Zealand's primary forest biosecurty specialists, working on applied problems for the benefit of forestry stakeholders

pdf Soil Quality Indicators for Forest Condition Monitoring : Duffill Watts Report- February 2008

The New Zealand Forest Owners Association is committed to measures to maintain and improve forest condition. The need to consider the forest condition is a requirement at a number of management scales including; forest (Principles for Commercial Forest management in NZ, Forest Stewardship Council); regional (Resource Management Act); national (State of the Environmment); and international (Montreal Process and Santiago Declaration, Forest Stewardship Council). This report forms part of a project funded by the Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) which examines measures of sustainability and productivity of New Zealand Forests