
Folder Water


pdf Instructions to use WRENZ

FOA funded NIWA to enhance the flood flow model for small basins and this is online at  - instructions on how to use this model is included in the attached document. 

The new DSS is available at  and will replace the older versions of the DSS Calculator for wilding spread risk from new plantings

pdf Primary Sector Water Partnership Annual Report

The 2009-2010 annual report is completed and released on the 13 December 2010

pdf Water Quality and Sustainable Development in the Taupo Catchment

The forest industry is opposed to regulation of land use under RMA to mitigate the adverse effects of nitrogen leaching within the Taupo catchment

pdf Letter to Ministry for the Environment on Lake Taupo nitrate strategy

Letter from FOA Chief Executive Rob McLagan to MfE asking for clarification on points before meeting with MfE and Environment Waikato officials on the issue of Environment Waikato's strategy for reducing the amount of nitrate going into Lake Taupo. Also discussed in Summer 2003 issue of the Forestry Bulletin

pdf Primary Sector Water Partnership Leadership Document

This document, released on 9 May 2008, is the end result of discussions between primary sector groups under the umbrella of the government's Water Plan of Action. It is regarded as a living document – other land use sectors may join & make commitments – hence it is marked as “draft". The document sets out a collective action plan which has been endorsed by all the partners. There are also some sector specific targets. The partnership group consists of Fonterra, Dairy NZ, the Foundation for Arable Research, Horticulture NZ, Meat and Wool NZ, New Zealand Forest Owners Association and NZ Farm Forestry Association, Irrigation New Zealand, Fertiliser Manufacturers Research Association and Federated Farmers