
Folder Environment

Documents relating to the environment.

Trees for Steep Slopes (2018)

The Joint NZ Farm Forestry Association/Forest Owners Association (NZFFA/FOA) Environment committee commissioned this report to consider and explore species and management options that might minimise soil erosion in highly erodible hill country while maintaining productivity of the land.


The Environmental Code of Practice is available for download in the Codes folder

Environmental accords such as Eliminating Illegal Forest Products in New Zealand and the Climate Change Accord are filed in the Agreements & Accords folder

PSWP documents available in the Water section of the Environment category.


Folder Climate Change - Adaptation

Over the last four years, scientists from Crown Research Institutes researchers have been working on understanding what a changing climate means on farm and in the forest.   Practical solutions to the expected changes in the production systems were also modelled. The key findings are summarised in a short report, the “Impacts of Climate Change on Land based Sectors and Adaptation Options”, which is now available from MPI.

Folder Environmental Fact Sheets

A number of Environmental Fact Sheets have been published from 2016 onwards


pdf Manley, B., Maclaren, P., Potential impact of carbon trading on forest management in New Zealand

Forest Policy and Economics (2010), doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2010.01.001

pdf Environmental Court Decision : EDS v RDC

Environmental Defence Society v Rodney District Council - the Court's decision - Hearing date 11, 13 and 14 August 2009

pdf Draft of National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity

The New Zealand Forest Owners Association's comment regarding a draft of the Biodiversity NPS

pdf Energy Efficient Ways to improve the Bottom Line of your Business - Information Kit

The kit produced from CRL Energy on behalf of the Energy Federation of New Zealand titled "Energy efficient ways to improve the conomic bottom line of your forest harvesting business". Further information can be obtained through the Energy Federation of New Zealand's website:

pdf Department of Conservation General Policy

During 2004, a detailed summary of submissions was prepared, an overview of which was avilable on the Department of Conservation website. The draft policies were reviewed in detail and then revised, based on the submission received. A final draft was submitted to the Minister of Conservation earlier that year. The Minister approved the General Policy on 23 May 2005. A similar submission and revision process took place for the draft revised General Policy for National Parks. A final revised General Policy was approved by the New Zealand Conservation Authority in April 2005. Both published statements of general policy are now available and can be viewed on the Department of Conservation website

pdf Department of Conservation - Sambar Deer Management

onsultation on the Future of Sambar Deer Management in Horowhenua, Manawatu, Rangitikei, and Wanganui Gazetted Recreational Hunting Area

pdf Kyoto: Unlocking the potential of forestry

The joint forest growers' Kyoto policy brochure released as a part of a campaign to encourage all members of parliament to endorse six policy principles which will help New Zealand meet its Kyoto targets

pdf FOA response to the Government's proposed Emission Trading Scheme

This media backgrounder outlines the Association's response to the Government's proposed Emission Trading Scheme announced in September 2007

pdf Impact of the ETS on Forest Management

Piers Maclaren, Bruce Manley, & Final Year School of Forestry StudentsReport produced for MAF Policy under CC MAF POL2008/10 (110/1) Objective 1

pdf The impact of the revised ETS on demand for carbon credits from new forest planting

A follow up on comments by Associate Professor Euan G. Mason, University of Canterbury School of Forestry, on the impact of the revised Emissions Trading Scheme on demand for carbon credits from new forest planting. This is based on an important clarification of a statement by climate change minister Nick Smith.

pdf Fumigation and our Environment

The forest industry has published a brochure that explains why methyl bromide is used to fumigate export logs and lumber and the safeguards that are in place to protect the public. The brochure is published by Stakeholders in Methyl Bromide Reduction (STIMBR) which represents users of methyl bromide, fumigators, ports, and researchers seeking alternative treatments and strategies. It works closely with government departments and supports initiatives aimed at enhancing market access and biosecurity clearances for goods and products while reducing the release of methyl bromide into the atmosphere and seeking the long-term reduction in its use.