
International Kyoto plan proposed for CP2

13 Jun 2008

Australia’s A3P and its trans-Tasman counterpart, the New Zealand Forest Owners’ Association, have proposed that the international plantation forestry industry should develop a formal position on climate change policy for the second Kyoto commitment period (CP2).

Let’s get the ETS right before making it law

26 Jun 2008

A report highlighting the costs of delaying an emissions trading scheme (ETS) greatly understates the benefits of planting more trees, say forest owners.

NZ emission scheme should pick up some Aussie ideas

16 July 2008

Forest owners have welcomed the release by the Australian Government of its preferred policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Water policy will mean fewer trees

24 July 2008

If the government’s proposed new water policy goes ahead in its present from, it is likely to result in fewer new forests being planted.

Wake-up call as forests shrink

29 July 2008

Forest owners say figures from the latest forestry census should be a wake-up call for policy makers. These show the plantation forest area in New Zealand decreased by about 12,000 hectares during 2007 – the third consecutive year the area of forest has declined.

Log truck initiative credited with safer roads

7 Aug 2008

Log truck operators and forest owners have today signed an updated Log Transport Safety Accord designed to further improve the safety of all road users.

Imports from illegally-logged forests must stop

17 Aug 2008

Environmental and forestry groups today called upon the government to urgently toughen up regulations to stop products from illegally logged forests being imported or used in New Zealand. They also urged consumers and those trading in wood products to play their part.

The ETS can be improved, say forest owners

24 Aug 2008

The NZ Forest Owners Association is calling on the Greens and NZ First to continue to support an emissions trading scheme (ETS) that includes earlier commitments by some sectors and that restores confidence to the forest sector.

Water Wake Up Call Welcome

27 Aug 2008

Forest owners have welcomed the water management plan released by the NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD).

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