
Folder Training and Careers

This folder holds documents, publications and items available on the topic of training and careers.  Additional information is available at

  • The Drug & Alcohol Code of Practice is available for download in the Codes of Practice folder
  • Health and Safety documents are available in the Health & Safety category or on the Safetree website


pdf Stock take of training options available to forestry industry - published December 2018

This paper is the result of a desktop exercise to retrieve information regarding the current training programmes known to be available to the New Zealand forestry sector. It provides a brief explanation of some of the funders (or potential funders) of sector initiated programmes, outside the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). Following on from this is a brief outline of each of the training programs identified.

pdf Training and Careers Update - June 2018

The first FOA/FFA Training and Careers Newsletter. The aim is to keep all stakeholders updated with what we are working on with a periodic newsletter from now on.

pdf Labour and Skills Survey Report June 2018

The Training and Careers Committee conducted a survey of 174 forestry business people in April and May 2018.  The report summarised the findings.


document Study Licence Agreement Template: Students in Forests

Study Licence Agreement Template: Students in Forests

Covering: ‘Prior to work’ training in a polytechnic setting, where the trainee has access to active forest operations.

Template Licence Agreement. Forest Owners / Managers can download the template and modify it to meet their specific requirements. The template has been reviewed by Kensington Swan to meet the requirements of relevant New Zealand law.


There are issues around whether to allow experiential training on an active forest work site and how to determine the various accountabilities i.e. who is responsible for the trainees, and who will be held accountable if serious harm befalls a trainee.

The forest industry needs new entrants coming into forestry and new entrants must be trained, but forest owners / managers don't need the risk, or the accompanying potential judicial penalty.

Generally, because ‘experiential training’ is not core business, the management of training providers may suffer from oversights. Because in forest experiential training doesn't occur day in day out, the particulars of agreements etc. are often unintentionally missed out. The FOA Study Licence Agreement gives a basis to clearly assign responsibilities and requirements