
Folder Technical

This folder contains a selection of papers and technical information on various topics of discussion within the forest industry


Folder Accessing the Rail Corridor – Information from KiwiRail

KiwiRail has rail corridors through and adjacent to plantation forests.  There is specific legislation, The Railways Act 2005, that includes provisions dealing with rail crossings and undertaking work in or near the corridor.   A work may be the planting or harvesting of trees or undertaking earthworks or drainage works.

KiwiRail has supplied FOA with documents that provide guidance on obtaining permits to enter (PTE) the rail corridor and or rights to private level crossings. Note that a PTE may be required if operating within five metres of a rail corridor.


pdf Transpower - Electricity Lines Information

Information from Transpower

Transpower has works such as powerlines, towers through plantation forests. Generally works existing prior to 1988 have statutory protection under the Electricity Act 1993.

There are a number of guides/regulations that are applicable to activities around Trustpower works including the National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities Regulations 2009

Transpower have provided a number of web links to their guide documents.  These are included in the attached PDF.

Guidelines on safe working around power lines.

These guidelines have been produced in conjunction wih FICA, forestry companies, and Transpower.

SafeTree guidelines website.

Includes a PDF for Forestry Safety Guidelines. (PDF download 282 kb).

pdf Value of Plants - MPI Report October 2016

The Ministry of Primary Industries has published a report placing the value of radiata pine third in the list of plant species of value to New Zealand.

pdf Funding for Industry Good Activities Levy Consultation - March 2004

The New Zealand Forest Industries Council, the New Zealand Forest Owners Association and the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association (FFA) have engaged Jaakko Pty Consulting to undertake a forestry industry consultation process. The aim of this assignment was to determine attitudes and opinions of stakeholders in the forestry sector relating to the possible introduction of a commodity levy to be used to promote the development of the industry.

pdf The "Alternative Solution" Douglas-fir - March 2004

External Wall Frame Timber Recommendations - Assessment Criteria for an Alternative Solution for Untreated Doglas-fir

pdf Untreated Douglas-fir (New Zealand Oregon) in Building Construction - May 2004

This document aims to provide adequate documentation to satisfy the requirements of Territorial Authorities in approving an “Alternative Solution” for Douglas-fir (New Zealand Oregon) in building construction under the verification method B2/VM1.This documentation will be progressively upgraded to strengthen the case for New Zealand Oregon (NZO) for building construction as further research results and endorsements are obtained

pdf Viewpoint Method Field Manual - March 2005

The CHH Viewpoint Condition Survey has been designed specifically to utilise the skill and expertise of New Zealand Forest Health Assessors (FHAs). The authors insist that Forest Health Condition Assessment, as described in this manual, be carried out only by qualified Forest Health Assessors, as opposed to forestry co-ordinators, technical crews, or otherwise. A definition of a qualified FHA, in the authors' view, is described below:
  • FHAs are qualified by conforming to both of the following criteria:
  • Have obtained a current (New Zealand) National Certificate in Forest Health Surveillance
  • Are being continually trained, coached and updated (in New Zealand) by experienced Forest Health Assessors / Forest Entomologists / Forest Pathologists, as part of their professional development. 
The authors insist that no Forest Health Condition assessments, as described in this manual, be undertaken by untrained assessors. No responsibility is taken by the authors, for the incorrect use and application the following Condition Survey methodology.

pdf Approved Tower Inspectors - December 2005

The Occupational Health and Safety Service of the Department of Labour requirement that Yarder Towers be certified annually as being fit for purpose has prompted industry in conjunction with Forest Industries Training to develop the ‘Best Practice Guidelines for Maintenance Inspections of Yarder Towers ’