
Folder 2015


pdf Potential Changes to the HSNO Regulations 1998 - 11 December 2015

Submission on proposed amendments to the regulations intended to correct drafting errors and clarify that any organisms developed using chemical and radiation treatments, where those treatments were in use in 1998, are captured by the regulations and therefore do not require approval as genetically modified organisms under the HSNO Act

pdf NZIER report to MPI – How valuable is that plant species? - 12 November 2015

MPI has commissioned a report from NZIER to assess the economic value of common commercial plant species in New Zealand.  It is anticipated that this report will form the basis of readiness and response economic policy for GIA and other biosecurity purposes.The report is well-written and has used common data sources from which to draw conclusions.  It does, however, in some areas lack depth and research.The forestry industry is primarily concerned with the findings related to commercially planted tree species such as radiata pine and Douglas-fir, and the genera Eucalyptus and Cypress.

pdf Draft Facility Standard for Post Entry Quarantine for Plants - 27 November 2015

Submission on Draft Facility Standard for PEQ and Draft guidance document – relevant to the PEQ Facility Standard. In summary FOA agrees with the proposal to tighten the standard for PEQ facilities.

pdf Risk Management Proposal – Review and amendment of the Import Health Standard for Vehicles, Machinery and Tyres - 6 November 2015

The FOA supports the two amendments:

  1. That all used agricultural, forestry and horticultural vehicles and machinery, from all countries, must be thoroughly cleaned prior to export offshore
  2. The proposed requirement will need to be supported by evidence showing that offshore cleaning meets MPI's requirements.

pdf Submission on the proposed national environmental standard for plantation forestry - 7 August 2015

FOA supports the objectives behind the National Environmental Standard (NES) and considers the issues facing plantation forestry are accurately described by the document ...

pdf Permanet Forest Sink Initiative - 17 August 2015

In conclusion the FOA submission on the PFSI suggests that a more thorough review of the scheme and its aims is undertaken to ensure that this initiative is the best use of financial resources for obtaining the outcomes in question

pdf DIA Fire Services Review Discussion Document - May 2015

In 2012, the Government set up an independent Fire Review Panel (the Panel) to provide advice on New Zealand’s fire services. The Panel issued its report in late 2012 (Swain Report). This Discussion Document is a response to the Swain Report recommendation.

pdf Forest Owners Association response to Fire Services Review Discussion Document - 10 July 2015

This paper is the Forest Owners Association response to the DIA Fire Services Review Discussion Document. This paper needs to be read in conjunction with the discussion document.