
Folder 2022


pdf NES-PF submission

NES-PF submission.

Submitted to MPI 18 November 2022.

pdf Draft Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan

FOA submission lodged with MPI 29 September 2022.

pdf Legal Harvest Assurance Amendment Bill

Legal Harvest Assurance Amendment Bill, submitted to the Primary Production Select Committee on 3 August.

pdf A Code of Ethics for Registered Forestry Advisors

FOA Submission on: A Code of Ethics for Registered Forestry Advisors submitted to MPI 11 July 2022. 

pdf Overseas Investment - Forestry Amendment Bill

Submission lodged 20 June 2022.

pdf Managing Exotic Afforestation Incentives

Submission on Managing Exotic Afforestation Incentives submitted to MPI 22 April 2022.

pdf Proposed Cost Recovery for Log Traders and Forestry Advisers

Submission lodged with MPI 24  March 2022.

pdf Forestry Aggregation Tax Issue - An officials' issues paper

Forestry Aggregation Tax Issue - An officials' issues paper, submitted to Inland Revenue 31 January 2022.

pdf Registration for Forestry Advisers - Proposed regulations under the forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Act 2020

Registration for Forestry Advisers - Proposed regulations under the forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Act 2020, submitted by FOA 17 January 2022.

pdf Registration Log Traders - Proposed regulations under the Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Act 2020

Registration for Log Traders - Proposed regulations under the Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Act 2020, submitted by FOA 17 January 2022.