
Folder 2012


pdf Strategic Review of the Workplace Health and Safety System - 26 November 2012

Submission to the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety

pdf Far North District Council Annual Plan - April 2012

Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22 - FOA supports the intent of the Council to develop a fairer rating system to more closely match the level of rates paid by a ratepayer to the benefits provided from each activity, provided this process is undertaken transparently, fairly across all land use sectors and is introduced over a suitable time period. However, FOA opposes the introduction of the new targeted forestry roading rate as it is proposed. We are not confident of the detail of the workings or the logic behind the assumptions of the Morrison Low analysis that underpins the proposed rate.

pdf Kaipara District: Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22: Forest Land Use Rate - May 2012

The FOA opposes the proposal that owners of land categorised as forestry pay 14 times the residential rate as we consider this does not reflect the costs of road usage associated with forestry land use.