
Folder 2011


pdf Proposed Changes to Environmental Reporting - 18 October 2011

The FOA believe the discussion document accurately précis the underlying problems with NZ’s state of the environment reporting framework as identified by the OECD. In particular ...

pdf Proposed NES for Plantation Forestry - Revised - 17 June 2011

The FOA have consulted with members and the  submission is based on the collective position that was reached.  This submission is not intended to address every detailed issue in the NES (as have been covered by our members) but to identify the key issues that we believe must be addressed if the NES is to be advanced further.

pdf National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPS) - 2 May 2011

The FOA has reviewed the Proposed NPS on Indigenous Biodiversity and canvassed its members for input to this submission. The FOA submission is accordingly attached.

pdf Road User Charges Bill - 24 March 2011

In the year to March 2010, approximately 23 million tonnes of logs were transported on New Zealand roads. Over the next five years roundwood removals, and hence transport is forecast to increase to around 30 million tonnes. Apart from freight, the movement of logs, manufactured forest products and wood by-products is the largest road freight commodity group transported in New Zealand ...

pdf Biosecurity Law Reform Bill - 10 February 2011

Submission to Primary Production Select Committee on the Biosecurity Law Reform Bill