
Folder 2010


pdf Submission on Scion Application to Field Test GM Pines - October 2010

This submission to ERMA relates to an application by Scion to field test genetically modified (GM) pine trees in containment

pdf Proposed National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry - October 2010

The FOA supports the government’s development of an NES but considers that there are some aspects of the current version that will act against forest investment and create unwarranted restrictions.  It will be important to address these concerns if this is to achieve the government’s objective of streamlining the RMA process and for the NES to be supported by the forest industry

pdf Draft NZ Energy Strategy & Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy - September 2010

The Draft Strategy document proposes a strategic focus on four priorities with areas of focus identified under each priority. This submission refers to those priorities which FOA considers affects or has the potential to affect New Zealand forest owners