
Folder 2005


pdf Sambar Deer - October 2005

Future Management of the Horowhenua, Manawatu, Rangitikei, and Wanganui Sambar Deer Herd

pdf Resource Management and Electricity Legislation Amendment Bill - February 2005

Submission to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee

pdf Pan-UK Review of FSC Pesticide Indicators and Thresholds: FSC initial response - July 2005

FOA response to the "Pan-UK Review of FSC Pesticide Indicators and Thresholds"

pdf Future funding of Biosecurity Services - February 2005

FOA comments on the MAF Discussion Paper on the Future Funding of Biosecurity Services

pdf Discussion Document on the review of New Fire Legislation - March 2005

FOA formal comments on the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) Discussion Paper titled "The functions and structure of New Zealand's fire and rescue services"

pdf Australia and New Zealand joint submission to the draft FSC pesticides policy - September 2005

In 2004/5 The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) embarked on a process of reviewing their Pesticides policy. This process included a review by the Pesticides Action Network UK. The apparent direction of the existing policy led certified companies in Australia and New Zealand to make submissions to the process motivated by the fact that the proposed changes would make FSC certification untenable. This was followed by a meeting of certified companies from Australia and New Zealand with the FSC in Australia in September 2005 where a draft policy was initially discussed. Since then FSC have finalized their discussion document FSC_DIS_O1-006