
Folder 2003


pdf Submission to Building Industry Authority on timber framing - August 2003

Joint submission from NZ Forest Industries Council, FOA, NZ Farm Forestry Association and NZ Pine Manufacturers Association on the proposed changes to Building Code Clause B2/AS1 in response to the leaky building problems

pdf Submission on proposed new forest and rural fire regulations - November 2003

Submission on proposed new Forest and Rural Fire Regulations

pdf Sea Container Review Submission - April 2003

The maintenance and improvement of the biosecurity processes at the borders of New Zealand is fundamental to the economic, environmental and social welfare of this country. An adequate biosecurity regime must encompass all sectors of economic and social activity with the responsibilities and obligations clearly stated and acknowledged

pdf Inquiry into the New Zealand Electricity Industry - July 2003

Energy is a significant cost for the manufacturing sector and some companies in the forest industry sector are amongst the largest users of electricity in the country. For them, as well as the smaller users, an adequate, reliable, and cost efficient supply of energy is a fundamental requirement to maintain commercial viability and continue to expand ...

pdf Import Health Standards for treated used vehicles imported into New Zealand - May 2003

The protection of NZ's forest estate from the introduction of exotic forest pests and diseases is one of the major objectives of the Association. If an exotic pest or disease was to become established in the country's exotic plantations, the impact on the industry, regions and the whole economy could be extremely serious

pdf Guarding New Zealand's Triple Star - Draft Biosecurity Strategy for New Zealand - March 2003

The forest industry has a major interest and stake in an efficient and effective national biosecurity strategy. Any introduction of exotic pests or diseases not only poses a threat to the productive capacity of the industry, but also threatens the closure of overseas markets to New Zealand forest product exports

pdf Draft General Policy National Parks Act - December 2003

FOA strongly supports the need for a revision of the statement of General Policy for National Parks.We also support the need for there to be consistency between the Conservation General Policy and the National Parks Policy

pdf ACC Levy Rates 04/05 Consultation - September 2003

FOA reiterates its view expressed in previous submissions on ACC levies that the current system provides insufficient incentives for improved safety performance or rewards for those employers with lower than average accident rates