
Folder Speeches & Presentations

This folder contains speeches and presentations given by the Chief Executive and other representatives of the FOA as well as presentations to industry conferences / workshops.


default Presentation to the Primary Industries Select Committee July 2023

Presentation by Don Carson to the Primary Industries Select Committee July 2023.

pdf Primary Industries - Summit July 2021

Phil Taylor, President of FOA to Primary Industries Summit July 2021.

pdf How good does Australasian Carbon Trading look - September 2011

David Rhodes, Chief Executive, FOA to Forestworks 2011, Annual Industry Development Conference, Canberra, Australia

pdf MAF's Forestry Allocation and Exemption Roadshow presentation - August 2010

This is designed to be a "spoken to" presentation.   All of the information in readable form is in the Forestry Allocation and Exemption Guide (available on the MAF website).  MAF are encouraging pre 1990 landowners to read this in the first instance.

pdf 2009 FITEC Census Summary - February 2010

detailed presentation on Industry Census 2009.  The survey covers direct employment in the industry and includes employee numbers by sectors, occupation types and by territorial regions.  This work considerably expands statistical information available from other agencies (Statistics NZ, MAF etc) and enables us to better plan training requirements.  The survey results are also available on the FITEC website.  Should you require further information or have a particular query, please direct your enquiry to Narendra Deva, Business Development Manager, in the first instance.  His contact details are: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone 09 356 8264.Please note that the confidentiality of the survey participants will be respected when any queries on individual companies or regional analysis on a company by company basis is requested.

pdf Low Volume Roads: less expensive but still safe, efficient? - June 2005

Presentation by Robert A Douglas, Associate Professor Director of Studies (Forest Engineering), NZ School of Forestry

pdf Exports: Competition, Collaboration and Threats - November 2002

A presentation by Rob McLagan, Chief Executive to the Future Forests Conference, Melbourne

pdf Assessing changes and key issues in the new Local Government Bill for Finance Managers - Nov 2002

A presentation by Rob McLagan, for the Local Government Forum to the November 2002 conference for Local Government Finance Forum
Title: A critical update on the latest developments on policy and legislation in the new Local Government Bill and its implications for finance managers and accountants

pdf FOA Strategic Direction and Priorities - October 2003

Presented by Rob McLagan in Wellington

pdf Forest certification standards - progress report - November 2003

A report by Murray Parrish, Technical Committee, Economic Chamber Representative

pdf Timber Design Society Seminar - April 2004

Address by Rob McLagan - Building a Partnership for Wood

pdf NZ Farm Forestry Annual Conference - April 2004

Presentation given to the NZ Farm Forestry Annual Conference 2004, focussing on the Forest Industry Framework Agreement (FIFA) and Climate Change

pdf NZ Institute of Forestry - Hon Jim Anderton - April 2004

Hon Jim Anderton speech notes for address to the NZ Institute of Forestry in Gisborne

pdf Commodity Levy - Presentation to NZFFA Conference - April 2004

Presentation by Lees Seymour titled Funding for industry good activities

pdf Emissions Trading & Policy Summit - March 2008

Impacts of an ETS on the Forestry Sector - a presentation (and notes) by David Rhodes and Peter Weir, NZ Forest Owners Association

pdf Food Security, Climate Change and Bio-Energy - June 2008

A paper presented to the UN FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products, Bakubung, Western Province, South Africa by David Rhodes