
New Trans-Tasman Timber Design Awards

26 Nov 2010

A new Trans-Tasman Timber Design Award will draw entries from the finalists in the recent Australian and New Zealand national timber design awards, both of which have taken place in the last month.

In a joint statement, NZ Wood and the Australian Timber Design Awards say awards will be made in four categories: residential housing, commercial construction, community and multi-storey. A winner and runner up will be announced in each category.

"This will be the first year such Trans-Tasman awards have been made and we intend it to be the first of many," says NZ Wood programme manager Geoff Henley.

"Both Australia and New Zealand have built houses in wood for generations. It is part of the Anzac culture. However, interest in wood for other applications has blossomed in the last few years and there is great interest in its use in commercial, community and multi-storey construction," Henley says.

"Awards give us the opportunity to incentivise superior design in wood. Being such a versatile product the only limitation is the imagination of the designer. Trans-Tasman Awards give designers in both countries the opportunity to show what they are capable of across a larger market," says Andrew Dunn, chief executive, Timber Development Association NSW.

Judging for the awards by an Australia/New Zealand panel will take place in the next few weeks with the winners being announced just before Christmas.

"It's not our intention to have a Trans-Tasman Awards ceremony this year, but we are tracking towards an international timber conference that will be held in 2012 at which time all winners between now and then will be given recognition", says Mr Dunn.
Source: NZ Wood media release