
New sense of purpose for Scion

16 Nov 2010

Scion's new Statement of Core Purpose was issued today by science minister Wayne Mapp. It states that Scion’s purpose is to drive innovation and growth from New Zealand’s forestry, wood product and wood-derived materials and other biomaterial sectors, to create economic value and contribute to beneficial environmental and social outcomes for New Zealand.

Scion chairman, Tony Nowell, says it provides a clear, explicit and enduring statement of Scion’s role in New Zealand’s science and innovation system. It is a significant milestone in the ongoing implementation of changes designed to increase the contribution of Crown Research Institutes to economic growth.

“Crown Research Institutes play a pivotal role in New Zealand’s economic and environmental wellbeing. From today, Scion’s Statement of Core Purpose is our foundation document and as such, it will guide us to perform better and deliver more for our sectors and more for the national benefit,” Mr Nowell says.

Acting CEO, Chelydra Percy, says the Statement of Core Purpose clearly spells out what the government expects from Scion by describing Scion’s distinctive role in the forestry, wood product and wood-derived materials and other biomaterial sectors.

“We have a long and proud history of serving our sectors and look forward to working with stakeholders to develop our Statement of Corporate Intent so that it demonstrates how Scion will deliver on the outcomes expressed in its Statement of Core Purpose.

“To achieve those outcomes we will ensure our research programmes are strongly geared to improving forestry practices and production systems and increasing diversification of New Zealand’s biological industry base to meet current and future global market needs.

“Other outcomes relating to forest biosecurity and protection, bioenergy and the environmental benefits of forestry will also be delivered through transfer of technology and knowledge to industry and other end users.

“We welcome this Statement of Core Purpose as it sets out Scion’s role, responsibilities, and areas of potential collaboration. It recognises our distinctive role relative to other research organisations, including universities,” she concludes.

Statements of Core Purpose are seen as foundation documents for Crown Research Institutes. The release of these statements is a major output arising from the Crown Research Institute Taskforce recommendations, endorsed by the Government in March this year.  

Scion’s Statement of Core Purpose is available on