
Major industry conference October

14 Sept 2010

The key players in the forestry industry – growers, processors, manufacturers and contractors – have joined forces to host their first ever joint conference next month.

Prime minister John Key will open ForestWood 2010 on October 12 at Te Papa, Wellington and will outline the government’s vision for the forest and wood products industry.

The conference is hosted by the Wood Processors Association, NZ Forest Owners Association, Pine Manufacturers Association and Forest Industry Contractors Association. Its focus is on Maximising Value through the Supply Chain, looking at the growing capacity of the forestry sector for exports to meet a rising international demand for wood and a maturing forestry estate.

This year’s topics include:

  • How can we maximise the forestry industry’s future prosperity?
  • What are the prospects for investment and growth in the forestry industry?
  • What is the medium-term outlook for global trading and key commodities?    
  • What does soaring Chinese demand for logs and lumber in the next five to 10 years mean for New Zealand log and lumber export opportunities?
For details, click here.

The international keynote speaker is Gerry Van Leeuwen, vice-president of Vancouver-based International Wood Markets Group. He has in-depth knowledge and experience in all aspects of the forestry and sawmill business. His experience includes log and chip trading, global wood product markets, new product development, grade and value recovery.  His presentation will outline the risks and opportunities for exporting NZ Radiata logs and lumber to China.

Source: Joint industry media release