
NZFFA welcomes new Government

26 October 2017

The New Zealand Farm Forestry Association welcomes the Labour/NZFirst/Greens coalition government and their commitment to plant 1 billion trees over the next ten years. It also welcome their plans to re-establish the New Zealand Forest Service, create an independent Climate Commission, and pass a Zero Carbon act.

New Zealand needs to reverse its growing greenhouse gas emission status, it needs to plant more trees than are harvested for a growing industry, and it needs to cloak eroding hill country in trees.

“The New Zealand Farm Forestry Association advocates for sensible afforestation of marginal pastoral land. We hope to see erosion prone hill country and other land requiring improved water quality and lower sediment yields prioritised” says NZFFA President Neil Cullen.

“Forestry is the best option for large areas of New Zealand and is a profitable and rewarding land use. Species other than Pinus radiata should be considered, including indigenous because they may be the best option in many areas. We believe that regulatory encouragement of forestry is required, along with an industry that has regulatory certainty. These can be provided by a dedicated Forest Service and an independent Climate Commission.”

We congratulate the Coalition government for taking these initiatives, welcome Shane Jones to the role of Forestry Minister and look forward to working with him on achieving the goals set by the new government.

For more information, contact Neil Cullen.  0274 158 416