
Government supports New Zealand forestry exporters to combat illegal logging

4 June 2015

The Government has today launched a new tool for exporters of New Zealand-grown forestry products to help combat illegal logging of tropical forests, Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew says.

From 15 June this year information statements will be available for our exporters to use when they send products to countries who have imposed requirements to combat illegal logging," says Mrs Goodhew.
New Zealand's legislation, and specifically the Resource Management Act 1991, mean that New Zealand's planted forests are produced sustainably.

"New Zealand has a comprehensive regulatory system covering the legality and sustainability of the harvesting of our planted forests. We want to help our exporters tell this story," says Mrs Goodhew.

"The government supports efforts to combat illegal logging, and systems to verify the legality of wood products in the wider Asia Pacific region."

The information statements complement the 2013 Government report The Legality of New Zealand's Forest Products which assists importers of New Zealand forest products to understand the regulatory framework that applies to our forests - both exotic and indigenous.

The announcement delivers on a key priority of the Woodco-Ministry for Primary Industries Forestry Industry Strategic Partnership.

Exporters will be able to apply for information statements from June 15 for the 2015 year.

Media contact: Emily Broadmore 021612837 and 04 8179583