
Woodscape study completed

7 March 2013

Woodscape, an economic evaluation of wood processing opportunities, has been completed by Crown Research Institute Scion.

The study is a financial analysis and market review of 39 traditional and emerging wood processing technologies. It identifies pathways the wood processing sector could take toward achieving its strategic goal of doubling the value of forest sector exports to around $12 billion by 2022.

Wood Council chair Doug Ducker says the council must now examine the study’s findings and integrate them into its action plan. A date for public release of the study has not yet been set.

The study was commissioned by the Wood Council as one of the key steps in its Strategic Action Plan released last year.

Funded by the council, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and Crown Research Institute Scion, the study began in July 2012 and was delivered to the council on 28 February 2013.


The Wood Council of New Zealand is a pan-industry body that represents the common interests of the forest and wood processing sectors. Members are the Forest Owners, Wood Processors, Pine Manufacturers, Farm Forestry and Forest Industry Contractors Associations.

The Council's Strategic Action Plan can be downloaded from

For more information, please phone Doug Ducker, Tel 021 474 708