
Forest owners welcome new carbon market

5 Sep 2007

Forest owners have welcomed the establishment by TradeMe of a carbon trading market backed by a robust registry which ensures buyers and sellers can be confident about who owns the emission units being traded.

“It could allow free market, low-cost transactions between forest growers and emitters who require offset credits. But clearly the final shape of government policies on credits in Kyoto complaint forests will determine whether this potential is realised,” says NZFOA chief executive David Rhodes.

“The decision by government to implement an emissions trading scheme has provided an opportunity to reconsider how forestry might contribute to New Zealand’s climate change obligations.

“The government will be releasing its new climate change policy for consultation later this month. An enlightened climate change policy, in contrast to the proposals released for discussion last year, could stimulate considerable activity in this area.

“With credits come obligations, but forest owners have always accepted this and are merely seeking recognition of the positive role that they can play.”


For more information, please contact David Rhodes,
Tel 04 473 4769 or 0274 955 525