
New chief executive for NZFOA

30 May 2005

The President of the NZ Forest Owners Association, Peter Berg, today announced that Mr David S Rhodes has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive of the Association to succeed Rob McLagan.

"Mr Rhodes comes to us from the position of Manager, Economic Monitoring and Forecasting Group/Forest Policy Co-ordination Group in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

"Following completion of an MSc (with credit) in Zoology; major in Economics from Otago University and a period as a scientist with D.S.I.R. Ecology Division, David has held a series of appointments within the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, including a year as Special Advisor to the Department of Natural Resources, Canada.

"These positions have given Mr Rhodes broad experience in policy development and advice, economic and risk analysis, strategic planning, management, communication and presentations, and international representation.

"Add to this an interest in and passion for the forest industry and the Association has a person who will serve the industry and the Association well," Mr Berg said.

Mr Rhodes lives in Wellington with wife Katy and two daughters. He will be commencing duties with the Association in mid-late June.