
Forest Biosecurity Conference 2024

FOA Conferences and Workshops
28 February 2024 12:00 PM - 29 February 2024 04:00 PM
The Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street, Rotorua - The Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street, Rotorua
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2024 Forest Biosecurity Conference:

Threats, innovation and control strategies

As the risks to our forests from biological threats continues to grow, it’s increasingly important for forest owners, forest nurseries, and those that work in, or rely on our forests, to take a more proactive role in protecting them. 

Biosecurity will be a vital part of dealing with these changing and growing threats.  

The 2024 Forest Biosecurity Conference will take a broad ranging look at emerging threats and issues, what's at stake, and canvas the science and innovation that is helping reduce risk or improve our state of readiness. We are also planning a readiness exercise to improve your understanding of what a biosecurity response would look like if a significant forest biosecurity threat is detected in New Zealand.

Join us on the 28 and 29 of February to find out how your forests are being protected from biosecurity threats and what you can do to play your part.

Register now, as spaces are limited.
Click here to register

Click here to download the 2024 Conference Programme


All Dates

  • From 28 February 2024 12:00 PM to 29 February 2024 04:00 PM