
Forest Biosecurity Conference 2021

FOA Conferences and Workshops
12 May 2021 12:00 PM - 13 May 2021 03:30 PM
Rimu Room, Scion: Tītokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Rd), Rotorua
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Forest Biosecurity Conference 2021: Ka mua, ka muri: Looking back to move forward.

The Forest Owners Association, with support from the Forest Growers Levy Trust, Biosecurity New Zealand and Scion will be holding their joint annual Forest Biosecurity Conference on 12- 13 May 2021 at Scion in Rotorua.  Unfortunately, last year’s conference was deferred and then cancelled due to Covid, and this year was starting to look a little uncertain. However, we are confident that everyone will play their part in the fight against Covid, and this year’s conference will proceed as planned.   

The theme of the 2021 Forest Biosecurity Conference is Ka mua, ka muri: Looking back to move forward.  Basically, this highlights that there is a lot of learn from the experiences of the past and those who have come before us, and that this can inform the future and how we take forest biosecurity forward.  It is time to take stock of what has been achieved in forest biosecurity, reflect on how this was achieved and then look forward to where we should go from here.


To register, please complete this registration form and the related payments:

2021 Conference Programme:

Unfortunately, there have already been some changes due to Covid response deployments, however, once we have confirmed speakers, we will distribute an updated agenda.


All Dates

  • From 12 May 2021 12:00 PM to 13 May 2021 03:30 PM