
ICFPA Blue Sky Awards

09 December 2024

The Forest Owners Association, the New Zealand member of the ICFPA, is excited to invite applications for two awards for the New Zealand segment of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA).

Both awards celebrate the innovative work of researchers and young professionals who are passionate about climate positive forestry and forest products, clean manufacturing and forest bioeconomy.

We will put forward two candidates to progress to the international competition where they will have the chance to showcase their work on a global stage.

1. Blue Sky Young Researchers Innovation Awards 

Open to students and researchers aged 30 or younger, this global competition highlights innovative projects relevant to forest-based science, products using forest-based raw materials, process improvements or other innovations throughout the forest sector value chain.

Applicants must be engaged in research and innovation projects relevant to forestry, forest products and/or forest products processing technologies. Applicants must also have links to academia, public or private research centers and/or corporate research and innovation departments.

Theme: Time for the forest-based sector to showcase its innovative solutions for conservation, forest management, restoration and wood bioindustry. 

Examples of eligible topics include:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Resource efficiency improvements
  • Faster restoration techniques
  • Bioproducts and wood chemistry
  • Mass timber and sustainable construction

We will be selecting two New Zealand candidates to advance to the international competition where they will have a chance to win the opportunity to present their work at the ICFPA CEO Global Roundtable in New York City in May 2025.

More information including full eligibility requirements can be found in the terms of reference.

2. Blue Sky PRO Young Professionals Innovation Awards 

This is a new award launched this year to recognise the skills of early-career professionals aged 35 or younger. This award celebrates successful and disruptive projects that have been implemented in the public marketplace and connects winners with key industry decision-makers.

This award is open to professionals working on impactful projects in forestry, forest products or related innovations, with links to the private research centers and/or corporate research and innovation departments.

Theme: Time for forest-based sector showcase its innovative solutions for forest products, wood bioindustry, and forest conservation, management, and restoration.

We will select two New Zealand candidates who will progress to the international competition. Three international winners will have the opportunity to present their projects at the ICFPA CEO Global Roundtable in New York City in May 2025, offering an invaluable opportunity to connect with industry leaders.

More information including full eligibility requirements can be found in the terms of reference.

How to apply

For both awards applicants need to prepare the following documents:

  • A short CV (maximum one page)
  • A summary of the project, including: 
    • Objectives
    • Description of the project 
    • Summary of methodology
    • Expected results
    • Why is it relevant for the forest products industries
    • What makes it innovative
    • How does it fit with the selected theme
    • Direct and indirect links to each of the UN SDGs
    • Note: Summaries must be 550 words, double-spaced, in Calibri font size 12. Applicants must disclose whether, and to what extent, artificial intelligence was used in the project or application preparation.
  • One letter of support

To apply please email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information including full eligibility requirements can be found in the terms of reference documents linked above.


All Dates

  • 09 December 2024