
Folder Codes of Practice

Note - the Environmental Code of Practise and A5 BEP Field Guide are currently both out of print and unavailable except as .pdf download for ECoP provided below.

The 2015 Code Eliminating Alcohol & Other Drugs From the Workplace is now available and was published in June 2015. It replaces the 2008  release.



Folder Drugs & Alcohol

Eliminating Alcohol and Other Drugs from the Workplace
A Code of Practice for the New Zealand plantation forestry industry

The objective of this Code is to minimise accident rates in New Zealand plantation forests. The Code may be copied or downloaded for this purpose from this website by those who own, manage or work in New Zealand plantation forests, and their advisers.The Code may not be republished for sale, promotional or other commercial purposes without the permission of the publisher and the copyright owner.

NZ Forest Owners Association (Inc)
Level 9, 93 The Terrace
P O Box 10986
Wellington 6143
New Zealand
Tel + 64 4 473 4769
Fax + 64 4 499 8893
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ISBN: 978-0-473-32221-2 (soft cover)
ISBN: 978-0-473-32222-9 (pdf)
October 2008

Printed copies are available from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also the Policy Template may be downloaded separately from this website (below), in both.pdf and .doc formats.


pdf Environmental Code of Practice ***PLEASE NOTE THIS DOCUMENT IS OUT OF DATE***

The NZ Environmental Code of Practice for Plantation Forestry (E-CoP) is intended to replace the New Zealand Forestry Code of Practice (the LIRO Code) that was first published in 1990 and revised in 1993. The new code up-dates the information contained in the original LIRO Code; however, the focus has also been expanded to include a section setting out industry best environmental practices (BEPs). The Code aims to be a key reference tool to a wide range of parties involved in managing forests by providing information on environmental values, how such values should be assimilated into operational planning, other references and resources as well as the BEPs. It may also serve as a useful framework for training purposes.

The Code comes in two formats

  • The full Code of Practice - A4 format for reference in the office
  • A5 BEP Field Guide in a protective zip-up folder, suitable for day-to-day forest operations

(Note: these are currently out of print)

pdf Approved Code of Practice for Safety & Health in Forest Operations

Published 2012 by Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment. This Code was developed in partnership with industry representatives and other agencies and it focuses on improving safety practices and reducing workplace accidents in the indsutry.